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Support DotMusic Application to ensure global Music Community governs .MUSIC domain


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DotMusic’s Community Application has more enhanced safeguards than any other .MUSIC Applicant

The Policies of DotMusic Limited’s Application share many of the qualities of those Applications that have already been well received by published EIU decisions and also exceed all the Enhanced Safeguards recommended by globally-recognized music community organizations through the Coalition of Online Accountability. DotMusic’s Application has more music-tailored enhanced safeguards than any other .MUSIC Applicant to protect intellectual property and ensure that .MUSIC is controlled by the global music community under a multi-stakeholder governance model.

Organizations that have yet to support DotMusic are still eligible to support us since we have not been invited to Community Priority Evaluation yet. We expect invitation for evaluation to happen soon so time is of the essence.

Supporting DotMusic increases the chances of the community winning .MUSIC while minimizes the possibility losing control of .MUSIC to other competitors such as Google, Amazon or the other open applicants. These non-community applicants do not have enhanced safeguards to protect intellectual property or a music industry governance structure.


How does DotMusic Limited’s Application compare to other .MUSIC Applicants?

Download the .MUSIC Applicant Comparison Chart which compares all .MUSIC Applicants and their policies. The .MUSIC Applicant Comparison Chart also substantiates how DotMusic will exceed the 14-point threshold to pass Community Priority Evaluation.


How to Support DotMusic Limited’s Initiative

Digitally Sign Letter of Support: E-Sign DotMusic Letter of Support Online


Why Support DotMusic Limited?

Supporting DotMusic would maximize the chances of the music community winning the .MUSIC top-level domain as opposed to Google, Amazon or other “open” applicants which lack any music-tailored enhanced safeguards to protect intellectual property and do not have a governance structure controlled by the music community. Since DotMusic is next in line for community evaluation — which could be any day now — time is of the essence.

DotMusic Limited (commonly-known as “.MUSIC™” with Community Application ID 1-1115-14110) commits to operate the .music community-based top-level domain under a global music community multi-stakeholder governance model with music-tailored enhanced safeguards to protect intellectual property serving the interests of the global creator music community. DotMusic’s music-focused enhanced safeguards ensure that .MUSIC is a trusted, safe and verified domain extension.

DotMusic is the only .MUSIC application which includes music-tailored enhanced safeguards, such as:

  • A Music Globally Protected Marks List (“GPML”) that protects the names of famous music artists, brands and companies;
  • Restricting Eligibility to verified members of the global Music Community;
  • Strict, music-focused accreditation criteria for legitimate Music Organizations to become DotMusic .MUSIC-Accredited Music Community Member Organizations (MCMO), whose Music Community members are able to register during the MCMO domain allocation phase;
  • Mandatory email and phone authentication;
  • Appropriate naming conditions to prevent cybersquatting and abusing music-related trademarks by mandating that registrants can only register domains under their names, acronyms or D.B.A;
  • Restricting content on .MUSIC domains to only music-related legal content;
  • Restricting usage on .MUSIC domains to only music-related legitimate activities;
  • Prohibiting parking pages with spammy links;
  • A comprehensive list of investigation procedures, random checks and circumstances in which the registry is entitled to suspend domain names if its Registration Policies and Enhanced Safeguards are violated;
  • Appeals mechanisms managed by 3rd-party independent Dispute Resolution Provider (DRP) National Arbitration Forum (“NAF”) to enhance accountability by providing registrants the opportunity to appeal any .MUSIC domain compliance matter or domain suspension, including reasonable time to fix the Registration Policy compliance matter before domain termination;
  • Both proactive and reactive measures to enforce its Policies. Proactive measures are taken at the time of registration. Reactive measures are addressed via compliance and enforcement mechanisms and through dispute processes;
  • Addressing allegations if domain is not used for legitimate music purposes or otherwise infringes on DotMusic’s Registration Policies. Enforcement measures are provided under the provisions of the music-tailored .MUSIC Policy & Copyright Infringement Dispute Resolution Process (ʺMPCIDRPʺ), which includes specific appeals/reconsideration requests heard by the National Arbitration Forum (NAF), the DotMusic-approved independent, alternative Dispute Resolution Provider (“DRP”).


The DotMusic Team appreciates your support and assistance in this important matter.

For a list of DotMusic supporting organizations please see DotMusic’s .MUSIC Global Music Community Member Organization (MCMO) Supporters.

Please contact DotMusic at “” if you require more information.


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