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About .MUSIC

We are the registry for .MUSIC, the global music community’s exclusive, verified and trusted domain name extension. For the first time in Internet history, members of the global music community will be able to register their own web address.

.MUSIC is a community-based top-level domain (TLD) that is supported and endorsed by thousands of the most trusted and influential music organizations worldwide. Collectively, the members of these music organizations represent over 95% of global music consumed.

.MUSIC will be the first domain extension launched with music-tailored policies to protect creators’ rights and ensure that legitimate music artists, industry professionals and companies can claim their name without fear of cybersquatting or piracy. .MUSIC is the only top-level domain with enhanced safeguards to protect both brand name and copyright infringement. Some of these policies include:

  • Verification;
  • Globally Protected Music Marks List to protect the names of famous music brands and artists;
  • Takedowns in case of obvious rampant piracy;
  • Registered name must relate to your name or brand to prevent impersonators and cybersquatters;
  • Content must only relate to music; and
  • Usage must relate to legal, licensed music activities

.MUSIC has additional benefits:

  • It is exclusive to the global music community;
  • It has built-in security (https) to prevent abuse;
  • Its enhanced security, verification and trust will increase search engine ranking; and
  • It is governed by the global music community under a multi-stakeholder model of equal representation


For the .MUSIC team, visit

For the Governance Board, visit

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