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.MUSIC Community Initiative E-Petition for Experts

Dear Expert,

DotMusic has applied for the rights of the .MUSIC domain extension governed by the global music community (See What is DotMusic). DotMusic is looking for Experts (e.g. Ph.Ds in musicology, Ethnomusicology, Economics, Sociology, Authors and experts in affiliated fields) who would agree — by digitally signing an e-petition at — that DotMusic has provided compelling evidence on:

(1)      How the “music” community is defined and established (“Community Establishment”)

(2)      How the “music” community matches the “music” top-level domain string (“Nexus”)

(3)      How the documented support received by DotMusic constitutes a majority of the music community as defined by DotMusic (“Support”)



DotMusic has applied for the rights of the .MUSIC domain (i.e. with ICANN, the governing body of the Internet, under a community multi-stakeholder model. For the music community to win the rights for .MUSIC, DotMusic must provide compelling evidence to an anonymous ICANN-Economist Intelligence Unit (“EIU”) Community Evaluation Panel  that it meets the “community” criteria set forth by ICANN concerning: (1) “Community Establishment” (2) “Nexus” (3) “Support”

If the Panel determines that DotMusic meets the criteria for Community Establishment, Nexus and Support then DotMusic will win the rights for .MUSIC. This would ensure .MUSIC would be run and controlled by the music community under a multi-stakeholder governance model and be launched in a responsible manner under appropriate music-tailored policies and enhanced safeguards that serve the interests of the global music community.

If DotMusic fails to prevail then the .MUSIC domain will be auctioned to the highest bidder. Unfortunately, such a result would not serve the interests of the music community since it would be impossible to outbid deep-pocketed corporations such as Google, Amazon that have applied for .MUSIC without any safeguards, music-tailored policies or community governance.

DotMusic is the only remaining applicant for .MUSIC that has music-tailored policies to protect the music community from abuse (e.g. cybersquatting, impersonation and copyright infringement). Other competitors, such as Google, have “open” policies (similar to .COM) that focus on profit-optimization (by maximizing domain registrations) rather than serving the music community and protecting intellectual property.


What Does the Expert Have to Do?

The expert can digitally sign the petition at – It takes under a minute to complete. You will receive a confirmation email and a copy of the petition in PDF format after e-signing.


Who Will Receive the Petition?

DotMusic will send the petition to ICANN’s anonymous Community Evaluation Panel from the Economist Intelligence Unit that will be reviewing if DotMusic meets all the required criteria to be awarded the .MUSIC domain.


How Long Will the Evaluation Take?

The evaluation will begin as soon as this month and will take approximately 3-5 months.


Who Has Supported DotMusic’s .MUSIC Community Application?

The largest coalition ever assembled to support a music cause has endorsed the .MUSIC Initiative, including relevant commercial and non-commercial music organizations representing a majority of music consumed worldwide (See DotMusic Supporters). Organizations include IFACCA, FIM, IAMIC, IFPI, RIAA, ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, ICMP, NMPA, Harry Fox, NSAI, ISME, CDBaby, TuneCore, InGrooves, TheOrchard, WIN, A2IM, Merlin Network, IMPALA, Grammys/Recording Academy, Reverbnation, AIM, JMI, LyricFind, UKMusic, BPI, IMI, IMMF, IMI, IPRS, PPL, Believe Digital, WME, Altafonte, NARIP, PledgeMusic and many others.


How Many Experts Have Contributed In This Petition?

Over 20 Ph.Ds and Experts have contributed and signed the petition at  (See Expert List)


How Can Experts Submit Their Biography, Papers, References, Credentials, CV or Resume?

After e-Signing the petition, Experts may email this information to us at


Digitally Sign the Expert Petition Here

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